Bramble Inhabitants

As you move slowly through the thick green of a forest like fantasy, your startled by a little nose poking through the leaves, it wiggles and twitches. You freeze as the more little noses poke out through the thickets lush green, and soon you find your ackles surrounded by the most curious looking animals. They begin to sniff around your toes muttering to themselves, jumping back and forth between the tiny clearing you stand in and the green wall that surrounds you.

 Soon things start to get louder and there chattering and mumbling gets higher and higher, the little creatures are getting bolder as they crawl onto your feet sniffing at your lower legs with the occasional high shrill they are begin to jump around tossing there heads and throwing there funny furry bodies all over the place. This is it you think, you must act now so you reach into your bag trying to find some sort of tool of defence but the only thing you packed this day for your fairy forest walk was......PARSLEY!!!! You pull it out of your bag and with that there is a sudden still and silence, all there little noses are looking up at you teeth showing. In a high pitched tone from pure petrified fear you say "Want some parsley?".....

The forest arrupts in the louderst wheeking, the thicket is no moving with even more of the creatures pouring out into the clearning and landing at you feet. They continue to wheek and shrill at you as they raise up on their tiny back legs as though trying to climb up your pants, you are now surrounded and out of options as you throw the parsley bunch to the floor.

And with that, there is no still, no wheeking now climbing, no more furry visions of blur flying toward you.....Just still, and a faint little whisper of munching as they all sit calmly eating the precious parsley.

Guinea Pigs

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